I've never understood it when musicians smash their instruments on stage. I get that it's part of the show, in the moment, and maybe an expression of passion that can't be contained, but why destroy the outlet for your art? With the recent news of Kurt Russell accidentally smashing a priceless 150 year old Martin guitar on the set of Quentin Tarantino's new movie "Hateful Eight", I thought I'd express my distaste for acts of violence against instruments. Lets get this straight; most of us treat our instruments like children, if we knick it on the edge of the kitchen counter, or it falls from its stand we spiral into a deep depression, or spew streams of four letter words not suitable for mixed company or those with weak hearts. Is it because most of us could never imagine smashing our instruments that doing so is seen as 'punk rock'? Or is it because most of the artists who desecrate their instruments could have them replaced instantly and have no emotional attachment? Whatever the reason, I'm not a fan. Why not donate that perfectly functional instrument to a kid who can't afford it so he can have a shot a being a rock star himself? I guess the answer is 'because it's not cool'. Cool or not I think its a slap in the face to the people that made the instrument, and all the little dreamers that can't afford to have a nice instrument. ![]() Kevin is a veteran Sylvan Music employee, with a profound love of usually four stringed instruments like bass and ukulele. He's also an accomplished jaw harpist. You can find him playing shows around town in his folk/rock band Sun Maiden, or his metal band Rat King. If he's not at work he's probably covered in grease working on one of his motorcycles.